Monday 26 April 2021

What is Teaching technology


Meaning and Definitions of teaching technology

   Teaching technology consists of two word. Those are teaching and technology. ‘teaching’- means to tech, to teach, Read the text and ‘technology’- means apply scientific knowledge through tools and technics (tools and technics- both hardware and software) so, Teaching technology means making effective by applying technology in Teaching.

   According to Dr. R. A. Sharma- ‘’Educational technology is applicable to philosophical social and scientific knowledge in teaching for the achievement of certain teaching purposes’’.

Concept of teaching technology

     Teaching technology is a scientific process. There are two main components to this process. Those are Content and class communication.  It creates a required teaching environment and provides required experience. It creates good relationship in teaching learning process. As a result, both teacher and students active in teaching leaning process more effective. Teaching process can be improvement and change. It is a child centred process. In this process teacher plays a role as organiser. Teaching always create creativity teachers.

     So, in teaching process applying technology is called teaching technology.

Characteristics of teaching technology

  • its helps to educates like- cognitive, emotional, and technical; through teaching technology.
  • teaching technology helps to interaction between content and class communication.
  • its helps to use social, philosophical, psychological and scientific knowledge practically for progress of teaching process.
  • Teaching technology strives to improve analytical observation, assessment and classroom use.
  • Educational technology inspires us to build new and more effective organizational teaching theories and teaching models.
  • Teaching Technology emphasizes the planning, organization, teaching and control of teaching.
  •  Teaching technology provides guidelines that make teaching more practical and experimental.
  • Teaching process (from memory level to thought level) This teaching is more effective through technology.
  • Teaching technology is highly motivated by the adoption of teaching methods, teaching methods, and teaching rules.
  •  It teaches the teacher how to control the behaviour of the learner. It also changes dramatically.

Contents of Teaching Technology

Davis and Robert Glaser (1962) divide the content of teaching technology into four parts.

 1. Planning of Teaching:- To identify the teaching site for teaching content analysis. The plan includes identifying the purpose and applying the appropriate method.

 2. Organization of Teaching:- It includes the selection and application of teaching methods, techniques and materials.

 3. Leading Teaching:- How to get the teacher to be interested in the subject until the end of the class in the classroom.

4. Controlling:- Measurements and assessments are made in this section. With this assessment, appropriate change teaching is effective at the teaching level.

   According to Sharma, Kul Shrestha and Mishra - cover the following topics in the field of teaching technology.

  1. Teaching plan
  2. Educational organization
  3.   Teaching control
  4.  Forms and rules of teaching
  5. Teaching Approaches, Methods and Techniques
  6. Innovation in teaching
  7.  Teaching Principles
  8.  The teaching process and the teacher-student relationship
  9.  Analysis of relationships
  10. Improvements in teacher behaviour
  11. Teaching from memory to the level of thinking
  12.  Test Project 1
  13. Lesson plan preparation

Instructional technology



What is Instructional technology-

 Instructional technology is a type of educational technology. In educational technology - As important as teaching technology is, instructional technology is just as important. there is almost no difference between teaching technology and Instructional technology.

   Instructional technology also consists of two words. One is instructional and the other is technology. instructional means provide information or instruction. Therefore, instructional technology is one of the most accessible resources and has an impact on changing student behaviour.

According to Robert A Cox 'instructional technology, this is a minority of educational technology.

 According to Mc Murin, not only are the software and hardware used in translating technology, but they also contain the rules of the system.

 Therefore, it can be said that instructional technology is a branch of educational technology, both theoretical and practical, visual-sounding and the proper use of teaching materials that inform us.

Concept of instructional technology

   Instructional technology provides different type of important information. Here, any content can be divided into small elements and those elements can be presented independently. The components can be arranged logically to create the necessary external environment for learning. The principles of cybermatic are very important for human development. Every human being acts as part of an organizational system. It is up to the learner to learn according to his or her needs and proportions. The teaching process can be made even without a teacher. Teaching behaviour can be regulated and changed in the teaching process.

Characteristics of Instructional Technology

  • The main function of this technology is to provide information.
  • Through this technology, enlightenment can be successfully accomplished.
  • Learners can apply this technology to their proportions.
  • The real reason is that this technology is changing.
  • The principles of psychology, philosophy, and science are used in this technology.
  • Guidelines are made through it.
  • Analysing the content, the technology establishes links between various topics.
  • It evaluates terminal behaviour in the classroom.
  • This process also moves without the teacher.
  • This is especially true of the subject matter and its components.
  • This helps to stimulate the teaching process.
  •  It uses both human and non-human resources to make teaching successful.

 Content of Instructional Technology

  1. Meaning and types of educational technology.
  2.  Development and Scheduling of Scheduled Teaching.
  3. Differences in interpretive technology, their characteristics, principles, design and basic concepts and applications.
  4. Various steps and explanations for the preparation of scheduled teaching materials.
  5.  Preparation of scheduled teaching materials.
  6. Provide research, application and new ideas in the field of scheduled teaching / programmed instruction

Steps of Instructional Technology

  1. Selection of teaching materials (as intended).
  2. Different methods, techniques, materials and visuals - presentations of lectures using hearing aids.
  3.  Assessment
  4.  Proposal for further progress.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Types of Educational Technology


Types of educational technology

   Educational technology is a name which is always interaction between hardware and software. Its develop a students’ knowledge level more effective way. educational technology concepts improvement in 'teaching learning process' . As a result of this perception, various educators have subdivided this educational technology into the following. 

Types of educational technology
There are four type of educational technology-

Sunday 18 April 2021

Need and Importance of Educational Technology for the teacher and the student


   Now is the age of technology, which is why we are forced to use it in our daily lives. So what is the need for technology in education is written below -

  Why need technology in our day to day life-

  •  In the current situation, we can send letters, various cards, news, etc. to others in a very short time without wasting time, which is why the telegram is closed today.
  • We can chat with others whenever we want.
  •  We can watch movies and TV shows.
  • We can listen to a variety of favorite songs and FM radio.
  •   For long-distance travel, we can reserve bus tickets, train tickets and air tickets.
  • We can arrange in advance to stay away.
  • We can do business, trade easily.
  •  We can choose bridesmaids from online matrimonials for weddings.
  •  Any necessary information can be found on the Internet.
  • We can send 10 photographs, voice images and visual images.
  • Not only is information collected through it, it is also stored, the information is analyzed and the information is processed. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation.
  • This is quite helpful in solving various educational problems in primary, secondary and higher education.
  • It has gained considerable importance in the field of quality improvement of the teaching process, curriculum planning, academic administration and management, academic guidance and counseling, examination and evaluation, teacher training and research.
Why need educational technology in education-

  • The subject has a good effect on the presentation of the object
  • Teaching makes it easier and more beautiful
  • With this, students can get anywhere and get an education
  •  Helps students connect to the real world:
  • Encourages collaboration:
  • Supports a variety of learners:
  • Easily access information:
  • Eassy to learn:
  • Provides personal teaching opportunities
  • Improved teacher productivity and efficiency
  • Technology builds effective communication and collaboration in class room
  • Learners take ownership of own education
  • Technology develop more effective knowledge retention rates 
important of educatinal technology for the students-
  • It offers student centered learning.
  • Provides greater oppertunity for personal communication and collaboration with teachers.
  • Provides online educational materials to distance learners.
  • Provides leraners with educational resources.
  • It encourages independent and active learning.
  • It brings precision, speed and accuracy in reeving, trasforing and communicating the required infromation.
  • Creates enthucism and motivation for learner.
Important of educational technology for teachers-
  • Provides teachers with new source of information and knowledge.
  • It helps them in their task of teaching .
  • They are able to acquire teaching material and techniques in the form of audio-visual material, equipment and electronic and communication media.
  • It provides them relief as their students use various ICT's resourcew for self-learning, for example- Programmed learning material, self -learning modules teaching machines and computers.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Educational technology: Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Characteristics, Objectives, Scope



  In present world is a store house of knowledge. it is also the age of science and technology, we take the use and help of scientific techniques and methods to solve the problems of daily life. We are also using technology to make teaching easier, more beautiful, more effective in the field of education in the modern age.

Meaning of educational technology

       Education is a broad term, which helps to change a person's behavior through a variety of methods, techniques, and principles. The collapse of old gurukula education has led to the advancement of science and technology in the 21st century, moving to new education and creating new innovations. The application of technology in education is called educational technology. To understand educational technology, we have to separate education and technology. It refers to the application of science and technology in education.

   Educational technology consists of two word. Those are education and technology.

What is Education

    So, 'Education' means -Acquisition of knowledge OR education is the total process of developing human ability and behaviour. it is the social process in which one achieves competence and individual growth caret on in a controlled social setting. 


What is Technology

 Technology derived from Two Greek word, Technic and logia. 'Technic' means- Skill and Art. and 'Logia' means - Study of Science.  in other word 'Technology’- means apply scientific knowledge through tools and technics (tools and technics- both hardware and software).

Definitions of Technology




 Technology is used in two sense, those are 

1.Technology is as a product (Product means- All physical material which in used in technology like- Hardware, instruments, radio,  projector, it can be touchable and visible. )

2. Technology is as a process ( Process means- A pre-plan action in use in teaching learning process like- Teaching Technique, Methods, Planning Etc.)

What is educational technology

   Educational Technology means education in technology. it is a system of 5m's. 5m's means- Materials, Method, media, Men, Machine. ET (Educational technology) is the combined use of both computer hardware , software and education theory and practice for learning. Educational Technology connects three meaning. these are-

  • Hardware Approach on Educational Technology-I/ET-I
       ET-I is a application of the principle of Physical science and engineering technology (Chalk board, Overhead projector, Radio, slide Projector, Monitor, VCR, TV, Computer, calculator etc. these are the hardware mostly  used in classroom ) According to Dr. Ruhela- ''This part of educational technology refers to tools and hardware such as teaching machines, television, tape-recorder etc. which are used in instructions''.
  • Software Approach on Educational Technology-II/ET-II
       ET-II is a application of  psychological principle use in education. its also called instructional technology or behaviour technology. 

  • System Approach on Educational Technology-III/ ET-III
       ET-III is a combination of hardware and software approach called system approach. system means set of part. it is a modern view of ET.

      `So, Educational technology means making education effective by applying technology in education.

Definition of educational technology

According to G.0.M. Leith: - “Educational technology is the systematic application of scientific knowledge about teaching learning and conditions of learning to improve the efficiency of teaching and training. In the absence of scientifically established principles, educational technology implements techniques of empirical testing to improve learning situations.”

According to S.S. Kulkarni-" Educational technology may be defined as the application of lows as well as recent discoveries of science and technology to the process of education.'' 

According to Shib K. Mitra: - “Educational technology can be conceived as a science of techniques and methods by which educational goals can be realized.”

According to Robert M. Gagne: - “Educational technology can be understood as meaning the development of a set of systematic techniques and accompanying practical knowledge for designing, testing and operating schools as educational systems.”

According to Unwin: - “Educational technology is concerned with the application of modern skills and techniques to requirements of education and training. This includes facilitation of learning by manipulation of media and methods, and the control of environment so far as this reflects on learning.”

According to John P. Dececcoc: -"Educational Technology is the form of detailed application of psychology of learning to practical teaching problems”

   After considering the above definitions, we learned the following about educational technology:

 (A) The benefits of the systematic application of science and technology in education.

(B) It provides sufficient guidance and capacity to address various educational issues.

(C) It brings good relations between teachers and students.

(D) It monitors the teaching and learning process.

These are:

 • Child psychology and its use

• Relevant presentation of course content and course content

• Construction, maintenance and use of educational aids

• Creating a learning environment

• Class discipline and management

• Evaluation and testing

Nature of Educational Technology
  1. Educational technology is scientific in nature.
  2. Educational technology is applied low of principle in practical study situation.
  3. Educational technology focuses on practical thinking.
  4.  Educational technology is a constantly evolving subject.
  5. Its main goal is to develop the teaching leaning process.
  6. It also helps with other subjects, such as psychology and engineering.
  7. It prioritizes chained access.
  8. The technology involves teachers, students and the process of combining.
  9. As a result of the development of educational technology, new teaching methods and new teaching tools are being developed.
  10. It is able to bring about the necessary changes in the learning environment, so that educational goals can be considered.
  11. it give emphasizes to development of the method, technique, design and effective organization of material & leaning environment. it includes input, output and process aspect of education.
  12. it develops various measuring instrument to evaluate the output.
  13. it helps the teacher for effective teaching but it doesn't replace the teacher.
  14. it helps curriculum development and framing educational objective in behavioural term. 
Characteristics of Educational Technology
  1. Educational technology gives emphasize unframing the learningobjective and to evaluate the leraning outcomes.
  2. It provides feedback to the students.(Imidiate knowledge of result)
  3. Educational technology defines the aims of ecucation and method of education.
  4. It contructs need base curriculum.
  5. It provides individualised instruction.
  6. It strenthen the nature of students teacher.
  7. It solves the problems of shortage of teacher and, it provides equali oppertunity to each and every students.
  8. Educational technolgy indentifies the major drawbacks in the educational equipment and suggest various ways to takal them.
  9. Educational technolgy manage the entire educational system covering: Planning implimantation and evaluation process.
  10. Educational technolgy determind the human and material resources and strategies for achiving the aims of education.
  11. It also develops material resources for the improvement of teaching and learning process.
  12. Educational technolgy identifies and utiises the available teaching learning material and resources.
Objective of educational technology
           In the present objective of educational technology is two type 
(I) Macro-level -In view of brought education.
  • To determind the aims of education. brought strategies and structure of educstion.  
  • To develop a switable curriculum with interaction of science, arts and human value.
  • To develop indentify men, material resources and strategies for achiving the stipulated aims of education.
  • To develop certain modelsleading to improvement of the process of teaching and learning.
  • To develop appropreate aids and equivement to nned the educational puerpose.
  • To helps in extending educational oppertunities masses of specially the nagaleted situation of comminity.
  • To manage the whole educational system: covering , planing , implimentation and evaluation process.
(II) Micro-level - in the view of specific classroom teaching.
  • To identify the analisis of the characteristics.
  • To analises the contents of instruction and organised in the proper siquience.
  • To identify the available teaching learing material & resources.
  • To plan the teachers strategies for achiving sprecific classroom objective.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of classroom teaching in terms of performance.
  • To provides appropreate feedback to the students as well as teachers to bring modification in teachiong learning process.
  • To plan teaching strategies.
Another way of aims and objective of educational technolgy
Aims and objectives of educational technology
  1. Educational Demand and Demand for Education:
        Human hopes are high. The demand for human beings is growing exponentially. To meet those needs, he takes a number of steps; But those tools need to be socially and humane at all times. Only this education can satisfy the human needs. The main purpose of education is to create a demand for education in the human mind. Therefore, educational technology is constantly striving for the proper development of these two things. The main purpose of this educational technology is to create a demand for education tools and education.
2. Course Selection:
  The core of a particular education system is the curriculum. Curriculum plays a key role in keeping the real purpose of education in mind and how technology can be managed in the right way.
 3. Identification and use of resources:
There are two main types of resources. One. One was natural resources and the other was human resources. This resource works according to environmental conditions. The main purpose of educational technology is to make the most of the resources available at the site for the construction of an educational institution, as well as the selection and investment of appropriate human resources, including appropriate teachers, education administrators and others.
 4 . The structure and use of the model:
  Another goal is to build the necessary model and accelerate the learning process to accelerate the learning process.
5. Construction of teaching aids:
      Teaching tools are essential to make teaching simple, easy, and understandable. Education equipment usually includes wheels, disks, blackboards, teaching aids, educational museums, laboratory equipment, and so on. Properly invested in all of these tools is the goal of educational technology.
6. Resolving environmental issues in education:
   Educational technology plays an important role in solving and addressing the various problems that arise on the way to the goal of education as well as in finding ways to simplify them.
7. Dissemination and promotion of education:
  There are many people in society who have not yet shed light on education. So it would not be an exaggeration to say that making Russia an educational opportunity for the oppressed, oppressed, neglected and uneducated people of society and arousing interest in education is one of the main purposes of this educational technology.

Scope of educational technology
Educational technology is a wide concept. 
  • fulfilment of predetermined object of education.
  • detail analysis of teaching learning process.
  • selection and application of audio video aids.
  • appropriate used of technology and mass media
  • teacher training 
  • evaluation process.
  • development of curriculum.

Monday 12 April 2021

Functions of Education:


Functions of Education:

      It is not easy to tell the difference between the meaning, purpose, and purpose of education. All that can be said is that education means, (What Education is?), Said the goal of education- (What Education Should do?), Said the work of education- (What Education does?), All that can be said is that education means, we have to understand. The wider the scope of education, the more diverse the work. According to the Kothari Commission, India's destiny is now determined in the classroom. Education is a powerful weapon of all kinds of change. Therefore, the status, progress, and prosperity of individuals, societies, groups, and nations depend on education. So, it can be said that the contribution of education to the status, progress and prosperity of the individual, society and the nation is great. The work of education is differentiated by different educators, which are described below. Some say the work of education is biased.

Functions of Education

 (A) Conservative Function   (B) Progressive Function

     According to those who emphasize the conservative nature of education, every nation has a great tradition and culture. It is the duty and responsibility of every citizen to respect its traditions and culture. Education makes people aware of this. Disregarding tradition and culture, the future still looks bleak. The rise of cultural civilization. Forgetting history, history cannot be created. There will be no interest in devoting oneself to the good of the nation, keeping in mind the ideals of the ancestors. Ideologists patronize this idea.

  Pragmatists generally take on the developmental role of education. In their opinion, there is no need to cry for spilled milk, what is gone will never come back. The past is gone, and the future is not in our hands. So you have to think about it now. The world is changing. Change is happening so fast, it's old, it's old. It's becoming harder to live up to expectations. According to Heraclitus, "All things flow nothing abides. One cannot step twice into the same river. In to the same river, we step and do not step. We are and we are not."


   So, innovation has to be found. You have to find out, you have to test, you have to ask and understand what others are saying. It doesn't work if you just hunt down the culture. Individuals, societies and nations must fight for the status quo, progress, prosperity and reform. Sometimes change has to be welcomed. The prevailing superstition must be avoided.

    Both works have some flaws and good qualities. So it is not right to rely entirely on culture and tradition or to welcome innovation in the face of repeated progress. Culture and traditions need to be preserved, the necessary elements preserved, and the superstitions contained therein eliminated. If necessary, there is something to be done to enrich the tradition. Some other educators divide the work into three categories. In their opinion, education does something for everyone, society, the nation.


 (A)Towards the individual :-   

o   Development of inherent energy

o   Establishment of national and emotional solidarity

o   Behavioural changes

o   Growth

o   Self-reliance

o   Sermon

o   Choosing a spouse

o   Becoming a citizen

o   Development of the person

o   Guidance of congenital instability

(B) Towards the society:-   

o   Social change and control

o   Reconstruction of experience

o   Equality opportunities

o   Social values

(C) Towards the nation:-

o   Healthy leadership

o   A sense of social and moral responsibility

o   Character structure

o   Creating international harmony

o   Environmental awareness

o   Overall development

o   Creating international harmony

o   Guidance of congenital instability

o   Keep pace with the environment

o   Concerning the formation of small families

o   Acceleration of modernity


Sunday 11 April 2021

Types of education

 Types of Education:

    Education is divided into three categories. These are - formal education, informal education and non - formal education.


(A)Formal education:  

    This education system is subject to certain rules and regulations. This is done intentionally and carefully. The purpose of the study is to determine the specific course, method of instruction, and discipline. Even teachers are hired for proper training. They enter the classrooms as scheduled and teach from specific courses in an appropriate manner. They are paid for it. This type of teaching only applies to school, college and university education. After completing the course here, the student has to get the certificate through the exam. In this education system, neither the teacher nor the learner can act at will. They have to work to maintain good relations within the scope of the policy rules. Anyone who acts illegally has to be punished. According to some educators, only through formal education can social values ​​and skills be passed on to our new generations in a coordinated manner. According to them, there was a time when people made a living by making a living, and buying and selling was possible through the exchange of goods. That time has changed and the scope of human social relations has become very widespread in today's world. Not only this, with the help of human beings there are many options available to them and they have the right to choose their own path according to their own desires, intellect and strength. So if not taught through a well-coordinated education plan, it will be difficult for humans to find their place in today’s changing and complex world.

(B)    Informal education:

   Informal education does not have specific plans, policies, or rules. Its purpose is also predetermined. The student is not even aware of what to teach when it is taught. No teacher appointments or specific schedules are set for teaching here. The child suddenly acquires some learning skills as he or she walks around and talks to someone. This type of education can benefit families, radio, sports, etc. The child learns spontaneously while playing daily in the nature of his nature, while playing happily. The question then is, which of the two types of education should we focus on? Each education has its own strengths and weaknesses. In today’s society, both educations play an important role. Without a formal education system, it would not be possible to pass on social values ​​and skills to present and future generations. Similarly, school education is not completely dependent on the way in which social change is taking place and how it is difficult to rely on any ideals. There are also many educational items around the school that are useful for everyday life. So both teachings have the potential to make human life juicy and beautiful.

(C)    Non-formal education:

    The non-formal education system is governed by certain rules and regulations. Its purpose and text are predetermined; However, this type of teaching is generally excluded from formal education. Unsurprisingly, some take it as an alternative to formal education and others call it a substandard education system, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a new concept of the education system. Typically, the lessons learned from correspondence courses, summer education institutions, short curriculum schemes, open universities, broadcaster programs on radio, national service agencies, education centres, Bhagwat Tungi are informal.


For whom:

   (1) Those who drop out of school for any reason before exceeding a certain level of education.

 (2) First - for infants - mothers who do not have a special education system.

(3) Those who are over the age of reading.

(4) Those who want professional advancement.

(5) Those who do not have the opportunity to enrol in formal education.

 (4) Those who want to know more.


 Unofficial education is as follows.

(1) To make education universal.

(2) Eliminating illiteracy in readers.

(3) To warn mothers to take care of their children.

(4) Lack of space in the formal education system.

(5) Where there is no formal education system.

(4) Lack of resources to open formal educational institutions.

(4) Studying with income.

(4) To provide educational opportunities to the indigenous, socially and economically disadvantaged people living in geographically isolated areas.

Necessary steps for the success of non-formal education

Friday 9 April 2021

Fundamental of education

Fundamental of Education

Introduction of education:

    Education is a process. It helps to make man human. Uneducated man is like an animal, man is the best creature in the creation of God. Her intelligence, conscience, or judgment make her stand out from the crowd. Education guides in making human life juicy. Educators also call it a lifelong process. According to some, education begins when the human baby is in the womb and ends in death. Every human being learns something in his or her childhood, youth, age and old age. Education paves the way for human life as well as educates human beings about the laws of nature, so that human beings can justify their lives by investing in natural resources.

   According to educator John Adams, education is a two-way process. Two people are involved. One is a teacher (Educator) and the other is a student (Educand). The educator does all his work and educates the students; But according to John Dewey, education is a three-way process (Triangular process). According to John Dewey, teachers teach students; however, teachers who teach about students need to be considered. Each society has its own philosophy. The policy has been enacted according to that philosophy. Environmental social skills have also been determined. Therefore, it is the duty of the teacher to educate the student about social values ​​and skills.

When the learner understands the information, he or she is able to put it into practice and make the daily life more productive, beautiful and enriching. That’s why the environment around the child has also been adopted as a backbone education family; But modern educators differ. In their view, education is a multi-faceted or multi-pole process (Multipolar Process), and they argue that we are taking knowledge from the teacher as a backbone of education. Similarly, we are learning something from radio, television, newspapers, family. So they are the backbone of education.

Some educators describe education as both a process and Product. The knowledge gained through the learning process is considered productive.

Meaning of Education-:

Education has two meanings. They are broader and Narrower meaning of education

(A) Narrower Meaning of Education:

  In the opinion of those who support the narrow meaning of education, the knowledge gained from schools, colleges and universities is called education. There is an exchange of views between teachers and students in education. Those who do not enroll in the above institutions and do not pass the exam are considered uneducated. Certain courses are set in educational institutions. The course helps teachers to understand the course through a specific discipline. At the end of the school year, students have to test their knowledge and get a certificate. Those who cannot prove their competence should be denied certificates. Through this certificate, students apply for jobs in various institutions. Priority is given to students with high quality certificates. According to the opinion, the school is a temple of knowledge and only the keys to the temple are in the hands of the teacher.

Positive view of the narrower meaning of education:

  • 1. A well-planned education system is only possible through educational institutions.
  •  2. Teaching methods are designed to make teaching simple, beautiful and understandable. Education may not be effective if everyone comes forward to endure. That's why teachers are trained.
  • 3. The interaction between the learners draws the learner to the learning.

Opposite the narrow meaning of education: Many educators dislike the education system within these four walls. "Education is more effective through nature," says the philosopher. So it is not enough to have as much experience as you can from schools, universities and colleges. Sometimes some of the developmental experiences that come from the family are not found anywhere else. Sometimes four-Five-year-olds are shocked by hundreds of intellectuals. So just reading and writing the material in the book does not make the child a scholar. Not only schools, but also family members, friends and acquaintances have a role to play in reforming the education and behaviour of children.

(B) Broader Meaning of Education:

     The meaning and scope of education are vast. "Education is older than human society." There is a hint of education before creation. The education of every human being begins in the womb and ends at the door of the Masani in the country. For example, according to mythology, Abhimanyu lived in his mother's womb and learned martial arts from Arjuna. Doctors say that when a child is in the mother's womb, the mother's mental and physical condition are affected. If the mother lives in turmoil, the child becomes restless after birth, irritable, annoyed by a few words. So we learn something from each experience. Education is not the only place in education, nor is it the only way teachers can help educate children. So there is something to be learned from every experience of our daily lives. The child learns something while playing, floating in the water, climbing a tree.

   In the language of philosopher lodge, every experience carries lessons. Even mosquito bites teach you something? ( Every experience is said to be educative even the biting of the mosquito is also educative )  Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. The person teaching in the classroom is not just a teacher. Fathers, mothers, friends, siblings, neighbours can all become teachers. In the same way, there is no end to education. It is lifelong. The aging old man struggling with death also has something to learn. That’s why Heit Head says, “Education has only one theme, that’s life”.

Positive view of the broader meaning of education:

If a child accepts a teacher in a classroom as a teacher, he or she may not be able to trust others. This means that very few things can be known or learned in a lifetime. Sometimes it seems that the child is not accepting highly educated, intelligent parents, and does not readily accept the misinformation that comes out of the mouth of a teacher in a random classroom; But she has to trust others. He needs to take the words of otherwise people as teachers.

Negative view of the broader meaning of education-

  Children are often more likely to get into trouble because of the fact that they are educated in every age group, or that they are educated in every place. As a child, children may not know what is wrong. So sometimes you fall in love and learn bad things. Later it becomes difficult to stop the child. Therefore, it is best for parents and teachers to monitor the child's movements.

    So much is said about the meaning of education, that there is no such thing as good education or good education, or that it would not be right to distort education by making narrow and extensive money. Education is education. Experience that helps people develop is a matter of education. Similarly, a person who is a guide in the developmental progress of a child or a human being is a teacher.


   According to scholars in ancient India, the word "education" is derived from the Sanskrit word "shas". It means 'discipline', 'restraint', 'command' or teach. Therefore, education means teaching with discipline. Similarly, the unfamiliar word ‘Vidya’ is derived from the Vid (Met) metal of the culture, which means ‘to know’ or to acquire knowledge. Therefore, it is believed that in ancient India, the goal was to acquire knowledge by chaining the mind.

  In English, the word 'education' comes from four words, 'Educare', ' Educere', 'Educo' and 'Educatum' in Latin. 'Educare' means To bring up, to nourish, 'Educere' means to lead out or to draw out, 'Educo' means the letter 'E' means out and 'duco' means to lead, 'Educatum' means the act of teaching or training.

Etymological meaning



To bring up, to nourish


To lead out or to draw out


The letter 'E' means out and 'duco' means to lead


The act of teaching or training.

Definitions of Education:

   From the Vedic period to the modern era, Eastern and Western educators have defined the definition of education in their own way. Just as seven blind, elephant-shaped elephants have described the shape of an elephant in different places, different educators have defined different aspects of education by thinking about different aspects of education.

Concepts of Education as given by Indian educationists /Philosopher:

According to Rigved: “Education is something which makes man self-reliant and selfless”.

According to Upanishad: “Education is for liberation”.

According to Bhagavad Gita: “Nothing is more purifying on earth than wisdom.”

 According to Shankaracharya: “Education is the realization of self’.

According to Gunrunner: “Education is self-realization and service to people”.

According to  Kautilya: “Education means training of the country and love of the nation”.

According to Panini: “Human education means the training which one gets from nature”.

According to Vivekanand: “Education is the manifestation of the divine perfection, already existing in man.”

According to Gandhi: “By education, I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the Child and man body, mind and spirit.”

According to Tagore: “The widest road leading to the solution of all our problems is education.”

 According to Sri Aurobindo: “Education which will offer the tools whereby one can live for the divine, for the country, for oneself and for others and this must be the ideal of every school which calls itself national”.

Concepts of Education as defined by Western philosophers.

According to  Socrates: “Education means the bringing out of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of every man”.

 According to Plato: “Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment. It develops in the body and in the soul of the pupil all the beauty and all the perfection which he is capable of.”

According to Aristotle: “Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body. It develops man’s faculty, especially his mind so that he may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness and beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists.

 According to Rousseau: “Education of man commences at his birth; before he can speak, before he can understand he is already instructed. Experience is the forerunner of the perfect”.

According toHerbert Spencer: “Education is complete living”.

According to Heinrich Pestalozzi: “Education is natural harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers”.

According to Friedrich Willian Froebel: “Education is unfoldment of what is already enfolded in the germ. It is the process through which the child makes internal external”.

Types of Education:

   Education is divided into three categories. These are - formal education, informal education and non - formal education.


(A)Formal education:  

    This education system is subject to certain rules and regulations. This is done intentionally and carefully. The purpose of the study is to determine the specific course, method of instruction, and discipline. Even teachers are hired for proper training. They enter the classrooms as scheduled and teach from specific courses in an appropriate manner. They are paid for it. This type of teaching only applies to school, college and university education. After completing the course here, the student has to get the certificate through the exam. In this education system, neither the teacher nor the learner can act at will. They have to work to maintain good relations within the scope of the policy rules. Anyone who acts illegally has to be punished. According to some educators, only through formal education can social values ​​and skills be passed on to our new generations in a coordinated manner. According to them, there was a time when people made a living by making a living, and buying and selling was possible through the exchange of goods. That time has changed and the scope of human social relations has become very widespread in today's world. Not only this, with the help of human beings there are many options available to them and they have the right to choose their own path according to their own desires, intellect and strength. So if not taught through a well-coordinated education plan, it will be difficult for humans to find their place in today’s changing and complex world.

(B)    Informal education:

            Informal education does not have specific plans, policies, or rules. Its purpose is also predetermined. The student is not even aware of what to teach when it is taught. No teacher appointments or specific schedules are set for teaching here. The child suddenly acquires some learning skills as he or she walks around and talks to someone. This type of education can benefit families, radio, sports, etc. The child learns spontaneously while playing daily in the nature of his nature, while playing happily. The question then is, which of the two types of education should we focus on? Each education has its own strengths and weaknesses. In today’s society, both educations play an important role. Without a formal education system, it would not be possible to pass on social values ​​and skills to present and future generations. Similarly, school education is not completely dependent on the way in which social change is taking place and how it is difficult to rely on any ideals. There are also many educational items around the school that are useful for everyday life. So both teachings have the potential to make human life juicy and beautiful.

(C)    Non-formal education:   

       The non-formal education system is governed by certain rules and regulations. Its purpose and text are predetermined; However, this type of teaching is generally excluded from formal education. Unsurprisingly, some take it as an alternative to formal education and others call it a substandard education system, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a new concept of the education system. Typically, the lessons learned from correspondence courses, summer education institutions, short curriculum schemes, open universities, broadcaster programs on radio, national service agencies, education centres, Bhagwat Tungi are informal.


For whom:

  •  Those who drop out of school for any reason before exceeding a certain level of education.
  •   First - for infants - mothers who do not have a special education system.
  •  Those who are over the age of reading.
  • Those who want professional advancement.
  • Those who do not have the opportunity to enrol in formal education.
  •  Those who want to know more.


  •  Unofficial education is as follows.
  •  To make education universal.
  • Eliminating illiteracy in readers.
  • To warn mothers to take care of their children.
  • Lack of space in the formal education system.
  • Where there is no formal education system.
  •  Lack of resources to open formal educational institutions.
  • Studying with income.
  • To provide educational opportunities to the indigenous, socially and economically disadvantaged people living in geographically isolated areas.
  • Necessary steps for the success of non-formal education.

 Functions of Education:

      It is not easy to tell the difference between the meaning, purpose, and purpose of education. All that can be said is that education means, (What Education is?), Said the goal of education- (What Education Should do?), Said the work of education- (What Education does?), All that can be said is that education means, we have to understand. The wider the scope of education, the more diverse the work. According to the Kothari Commission, India's destiny is now determined in the classroom. Education is a powerful weapon of all kinds of change. Therefore, the status, progress, and prosperity of individuals, societies, groups, and nations depend on education. So, it can be said that the contribution of education to the status, progress and prosperity of the individual, society and the nation is great. 

   The work of education is differentiated by different educators, which are described below. Some say the work of education is biased.

                 Functions of Education

 (A) Conservative Function   (B) Progressive Function

     According to those who emphasize the conservative nature of education, every nation has a great tradition and culture. It is the duty and responsibility of every citizen to respect its traditions and culture. Education makes people aware of this. Disregarding tradition and culture, the future still looks bleak. The rise of cultural civilization. Forgetting history, history cannot be created. There will be no interest in devoting oneself to the good of the nation, keeping in mind the ideals of the ancestors. Ideologists patronize this idea.

  Pragmatists generally take on the developmental role of education. In their opinion, there is no need to cry for spilled milk, what is gone will never come back. The past is gone, and the future is not in our hands. So you have to think about it now. The world is changing. Change is happening so fast, it's old, it's old. It's becoming harder to live up to expectations. According to Heraclitus, "All things flow nothing abides. One cannot step twice into the same river. In to the same river, we step and do not step. We are and we are not."


   So, innovation has to be found. You have to find out, you have to test, you have to ask and understand what others are saying. It doesn't work if you just hunt down the culture. Individuals, societies and nations must fight for the status quo, progress, prosperity and reform. Sometimes change has to be welcomed. The prevailing superstition must be avoided.

    Both works have some flaws and good qualities. So it is not right to rely entirely on culture and tradition or to welcome innovation in the face of repeated progress. Culture and traditions need to be preserved, the necessary elements preserved, and the superstitions contained therein eliminated. If necessary, there is something to be done to enrich the tradition. 

    Some other educators divide the work into three categories. In their opinion, education does something for everyone, society, the nation.

                                                        The Functions of education

 (A)Towards the individual :-   

o   Development of inherent energy

o   Establishment of national and emotional solidarity

o   Behavioural changes

o   Growth

o   Self-reliance

o   Sermon

o   Choosing a spouse

o   Becoming a citizen

o   Development of the person

o   Guidance of congenital instability

(B) Towards the society:-   

o   Social change and control

o   Reconstruction of experience

o   Equality opportunities

o   Social values

(C) Towards the nation:-

o   Healthy leadership

o   sense of social and moral responsibility

o   Character structure

o   Creating international harmony

o   Environmental awareness

o   Overall development

o   Creating international harmony

o   Guidance of congenital instability

o   Keep pace with the environment

o   Concerning the formation of small families

o   Acceleration of modernity


Real HeRo sonu Sood

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