Tuesday 6 April 2021

Meaning, Definition and Characteristics of learning


What is Learning?

Meaning of learning

    learning plays an important role in shaping a person's behaviour. All human behaviour is accelerated by learning. Education is one of the reasons why modern civilizations flourish. The role of learning is very important in education. By  learning, people can learn about their behaviour and behaviour. The purpose of  learning is to fill the student's mind with a variety of knowledge and information. In this sense, learning is a process by which a person receives information or acquires knowledge. If the knowledge a person acquires is not reflected in his or her daily activities, then his or her behaviour does not change, so that the teaching cannot be said to be true teaching.

    Some people think that  learning is limited to the classroom, and that teachers are the only ones who take the lead. But it is not a sign of wisdom to limit  learning to the confines of the school (classroom). It is a lifelong process that runs continuously from the mother's womb to death. It helps the person to adapt to different environments. This is a comprehensive process. Education is also called a continuous process. The death of a person does not end the flow of learning from the surface. It is a never-ending process

Definitions of learning

Definition of learning defined by eminent psychologists and educators below-:
    According to gates and others-“learning is the modification of behaviour through experience and training. 
According to crow and crow-“leaning is the acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitudes.”
According to skinner – “learning is a process of progressive behaviour adaption."
According to culving –“learning is modification of behaviour by experience”
     Putting together the above definition of teaching, it appears to be complex and comprehensive, and is not limited to school subjects alone. Habits, attitudes, various senses; It includes a variety of activities, including a variety of activities, such as interest, social engagement.

General characteristics/Nature of learning process

Progressive change in behaviour: - Environmental change leads to progressive change in behaviour. The change that occurs in a person by instinct, revolution, or drug use is not called education. "It simply came to our notice then.

Learning is motivated by adjustment: - A person is always exposed to a new environment from birth to death.

Learning is Universal: - All creatures learn. Since man is a wise or intelligent creature, he learns more than any other creature.

Growth is Learning: - As a child grows older, he or she learns a lot. Respect for teachers, writing beautiful signatures, is only possible through practice or experience. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation.

 Deliberate Process: - The learner learns by being transparent. If it is forced to do any work or education, then the teaching cannot succeed.

Learning is goal (directed):- Learning is meaningful and effective when the goal is very simple, clear and deadly.

Learning is a continuous process: - Learning begins with the birth of a person and leads to death. This is a lifelong process. At what level it is not interrupted. Teaching is a complex process: the relationship between teaching and maturity is very close. Until the child is mature, he or she cannot speak, walk, or run when the child's organs are mature, teaching begins.

 Teaching is active and active: - Teaching depends on the activities of the average learner. Where there is no automatic work, teaching may not be available. Teaching is therefore called the result of action and experience. Strategy and development: Through teaching, a person learns skills or abilities in various subjects. Again, this teaching helps to develop a person's creativity.

Learning is personal and social: - Learning promotes personal improvement and social well-being. As a person develops personal qualities, so does his or her social values.  Learning is the development of skill and creativity: - Teaching promotes creativity. Every child is full of creativity. With the right environment, these can be developed. No student can be active in Ubdipkar's absence. It stimulates the learner and makes learning possible.

Learning and environment is compli-mentary : - Humans are social creatures. As a result of learning, the person wants to know about their external environment. This facilitates its intellectual development. So the person needs to have the opportunity to get proper education. Lack of opportunities hampers a person's development. So parents and society need to keep the external environment healthy.

Learning is related to the atmosphere: - the slave of the human environment. According to the environment, a person learns his or her behaviour, behaviour and behaviour. The environment and the baby are a mass. The child works in harmony with the environment, and the environment does its best to educate the child. "Everywhere you look today, the tide of protectionist sentiment is flowing. An example of an improved environment is the school. It teaches the child a variety of behaviours, behaviours, so that teaching is effective.

 Learning is growth of techniques and creativity:  - through learning a person learns skills or abilities in various subjects. It also helps in the development of a child's creativity.

  Learning is transferable: - Earned experience is helpful in other environments. For example, the various rules of Sanskrit grammar teaching help in Oriya grammar education.

Learning is intellectual creative - life is a big problem. The pace of life is not the same. Sometimes the complexity of the situation makes a person feel uneasy and frustrated. But because of learning, people are more likely to behave in difficult situations. It shows her intelligence. Again, in some adverse circumstances, a person may find himself or herself in a state of turmoil with new ideas. This is possible because of its creativity

 Learning is aroused by the individual: - Learning depends on the individual. Individual needs, problems, attitudes, desires, etc. affect learning. In some cases, it may be faster, but in others it may be milder. So it depends entirely on the social environment. No education can progress without the environment.

Learning is environmental:- A slave to the human environment. According to the environment, the person learns the nature of his behaviour, the use of pickles. Environment



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