Sunday 18 April 2021

Need and Importance of Educational Technology for the teacher and the student


   Now is the age of technology, which is why we are forced to use it in our daily lives. So what is the need for technology in education is written below -

  Why need technology in our day to day life-

  •  In the current situation, we can send letters, various cards, news, etc. to others in a very short time without wasting time, which is why the telegram is closed today.
  • We can chat with others whenever we want.
  •  We can watch movies and TV shows.
  • We can listen to a variety of favorite songs and FM radio.
  •   For long-distance travel, we can reserve bus tickets, train tickets and air tickets.
  • We can arrange in advance to stay away.
  • We can do business, trade easily.
  •  We can choose bridesmaids from online matrimonials for weddings.
  •  Any necessary information can be found on the Internet.
  • We can send 10 photographs, voice images and visual images.
  • Not only is information collected through it, it is also stored, the information is analyzed and the information is processed. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation.
  • This is quite helpful in solving various educational problems in primary, secondary and higher education.
  • It has gained considerable importance in the field of quality improvement of the teaching process, curriculum planning, academic administration and management, academic guidance and counseling, examination and evaluation, teacher training and research.
Why need educational technology in education-

  • The subject has a good effect on the presentation of the object
  • Teaching makes it easier and more beautiful
  • With this, students can get anywhere and get an education
  •  Helps students connect to the real world:
  • Encourages collaboration:
  • Supports a variety of learners:
  • Easily access information:
  • Eassy to learn:
  • Provides personal teaching opportunities
  • Improved teacher productivity and efficiency
  • Technology builds effective communication and collaboration in class room
  • Learners take ownership of own education
  • Technology develop more effective knowledge retention rates 
important of educatinal technology for the students-
  • It offers student centered learning.
  • Provides greater oppertunity for personal communication and collaboration with teachers.
  • Provides online educational materials to distance learners.
  • Provides leraners with educational resources.
  • It encourages independent and active learning.
  • It brings precision, speed and accuracy in reeving, trasforing and communicating the required infromation.
  • Creates enthucism and motivation for learner.
Important of educational technology for teachers-
  • Provides teachers with new source of information and knowledge.
  • It helps them in their task of teaching .
  • They are able to acquire teaching material and techniques in the form of audio-visual material, equipment and electronic and communication media.
  • It provides them relief as their students use various ICT's resourcew for self-learning, for example- Programmed learning material, self -learning modules teaching machines and computers.

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