Sunday 11 April 2021

Types of education

 Types of Education:

    Education is divided into three categories. These are - formal education, informal education and non - formal education.


(A)Formal education:  

    This education system is subject to certain rules and regulations. This is done intentionally and carefully. The purpose of the study is to determine the specific course, method of instruction, and discipline. Even teachers are hired for proper training. They enter the classrooms as scheduled and teach from specific courses in an appropriate manner. They are paid for it. This type of teaching only applies to school, college and university education. After completing the course here, the student has to get the certificate through the exam. In this education system, neither the teacher nor the learner can act at will. They have to work to maintain good relations within the scope of the policy rules. Anyone who acts illegally has to be punished. According to some educators, only through formal education can social values ​​and skills be passed on to our new generations in a coordinated manner. According to them, there was a time when people made a living by making a living, and buying and selling was possible through the exchange of goods. That time has changed and the scope of human social relations has become very widespread in today's world. Not only this, with the help of human beings there are many options available to them and they have the right to choose their own path according to their own desires, intellect and strength. So if not taught through a well-coordinated education plan, it will be difficult for humans to find their place in today’s changing and complex world.

(B)    Informal education:

   Informal education does not have specific plans, policies, or rules. Its purpose is also predetermined. The student is not even aware of what to teach when it is taught. No teacher appointments or specific schedules are set for teaching here. The child suddenly acquires some learning skills as he or she walks around and talks to someone. This type of education can benefit families, radio, sports, etc. The child learns spontaneously while playing daily in the nature of his nature, while playing happily. The question then is, which of the two types of education should we focus on? Each education has its own strengths and weaknesses. In today’s society, both educations play an important role. Without a formal education system, it would not be possible to pass on social values ​​and skills to present and future generations. Similarly, school education is not completely dependent on the way in which social change is taking place and how it is difficult to rely on any ideals. There are also many educational items around the school that are useful for everyday life. So both teachings have the potential to make human life juicy and beautiful.

(C)    Non-formal education:

    The non-formal education system is governed by certain rules and regulations. Its purpose and text are predetermined; However, this type of teaching is generally excluded from formal education. Unsurprisingly, some take it as an alternative to formal education and others call it a substandard education system, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a new concept of the education system. Typically, the lessons learned from correspondence courses, summer education institutions, short curriculum schemes, open universities, broadcaster programs on radio, national service agencies, education centres, Bhagwat Tungi are informal.


For whom:

   (1) Those who drop out of school for any reason before exceeding a certain level of education.

 (2) First - for infants - mothers who do not have a special education system.

(3) Those who are over the age of reading.

(4) Those who want professional advancement.

(5) Those who do not have the opportunity to enrol in formal education.

 (4) Those who want to know more.


 Unofficial education is as follows.

(1) To make education universal.

(2) Eliminating illiteracy in readers.

(3) To warn mothers to take care of their children.

(4) Lack of space in the formal education system.

(5) Where there is no formal education system.

(4) Lack of resources to open formal educational institutions.

(4) Studying with income.

(4) To provide educational opportunities to the indigenous, socially and economically disadvantaged people living in geographically isolated areas.

Necessary steps for the success of non-formal education

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