Monday 10 May 2021

Meaning and definitions of political science ?

What is political science ?

   Ancient Greece is considered to be a popular contribution to the world of Olympic sports, political science and democracy. Both the word "politics" and "political science" are derived from the Greek word "polis". The word polis means "Nagara Rastra" or "City state".

     While there were many cities in ancient Greece, they also had their own systems of government. Therefore, every city was recognized as a nation-state and a city-state. Cities and nations were small in size and population. City states such as Athens and Sparta were very popular. Citizens of the city were called citizens.

    Citizens were called "Politics" because of their direct involvement in determining the "Principles of State".

       'Rajaniti' is called politics in English. The term "politics" was first used extensively by the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). His book ‘Politics’ has gained a lot of fame for its comprehensive, Systematic and analytical discussions. Its content is important not only in theory but also in reality. It is like a pillar of light for political science and political scientists. Written in the fourth century BC, more than 2,300 years later, it is still considered to be one of the earliest introductory books on political science. For this reason, Aristotle is called the father of political science. According to Aristotle, "Man is a social animal." He is born into society, develops into society, and dies in society. Without society, human origin, status and progress are impossible. He can never be human, he can be God or an animal, he can never live without society. Social sciences are called social sciences, which are based on the behaviour and activities of human beings. So political science is a social science. But instead of a common social science, it is known as the best social science.

 Definitions of political science

   Political science is a progressive social science. It cannot be limited to a fixed point, as the political behaviour and activities of the social animal "man" are primarily political studies. From the economic age of the ancient Greek city-state and the ancient Indian state of Kautilya to the modern computer age, human civilization has undergone many changes, as well as the scope and definition of political science. This is because the nature, political behaviour and political activities of the nation are not stable. For this reason, it distinguishes between ancient and modern definitions. The study of political science, both ancient and traditional, was theoretical, formal, and value-based. It could not be used directly in human services because it was largely confined to the four walls of the academy. In the twentieth century, its definition began to change due to its scientific, realistic, practical perspectives, and interpersonal and group relationships. As political scientists emphasize the various aspects and implications of this issue, there is some inconsistency in their definitions, even though everyone acknowledges the nation as its central point or main assembly. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly.

Below are some definitions of political science.

According to pro. R.N. Gilchrist- “political science is a study of the state and government.”

According to pro. J.W. Garner- “political science beings and ends with the state.”

According to French political scientist Paul Janet – “political science is that part of social science which treats of the foundation of state and the principles of government.’’

According to Sir John Seeley – “Political science investigates the phenomena of government as political economy deals with wealth, biology with life, algebra with numbers and geometry with space and magnitude”

According to Lasswell and Kalpana-“political science is the study of the shaping and sharing of power.”

According to Pro. J.H. Laski-“The study of politics concerns itself with the life of man in relations to organised state.”

According to George Catlin-“politics the means study of the activities of political life and activities of the various organs of Government.”

According to Modern definition -‘’In the beginning of the 20th century there developed a new way of looking at political science. This new approach is known as behavioural approach. The main thrust of the new view is the treatment of politics as an activity and a process.’’

Scope of political science

  The boundaries or areas of study of political science, the topics that illuminate and influence them, are called its scope. Like other things, its scope is related to its meaning and definition. Political science is a broad and broad spectrum. There is no consensus on its definition or nature. Because of this, differences of opinion also arise about its scope. Again, this is a social science that deals with the political institutions and political activities of social animals and humans.

   Some things, such as political social science, prove it. Following such differences and differences, the following elements or studies may be included in the field of political science such as -state and government, relationship between individual and the state, political theory, political philosophy, political institutions, political dynamics, public administration, internal law, relations and organizations etc.

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