Wednesday 14 April 2021

Educational technology: Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Characteristics, Objectives, Scope



  In present world is a store house of knowledge. it is also the age of science and technology, we take the use and help of scientific techniques and methods to solve the problems of daily life. We are also using technology to make teaching easier, more beautiful, more effective in the field of education in the modern age.

Meaning of educational technology

       Education is a broad term, which helps to change a person's behavior through a variety of methods, techniques, and principles. The collapse of old gurukula education has led to the advancement of science and technology in the 21st century, moving to new education and creating new innovations. The application of technology in education is called educational technology. To understand educational technology, we have to separate education and technology. It refers to the application of science and technology in education.

   Educational technology consists of two word. Those are education and technology.

What is Education

    So, 'Education' means -Acquisition of knowledge OR education is the total process of developing human ability and behaviour. it is the social process in which one achieves competence and individual growth caret on in a controlled social setting. 


What is Technology

 Technology derived from Two Greek word, Technic and logia. 'Technic' means- Skill and Art. and 'Logia' means - Study of Science.  in other word 'Technology’- means apply scientific knowledge through tools and technics (tools and technics- both hardware and software).

Definitions of Technology




 Technology is used in two sense, those are 

1.Technology is as a product (Product means- All physical material which in used in technology like- Hardware, instruments, radio,  projector, it can be touchable and visible. )

2. Technology is as a process ( Process means- A pre-plan action in use in teaching learning process like- Teaching Technique, Methods, Planning Etc.)

What is educational technology

   Educational Technology means education in technology. it is a system of 5m's. 5m's means- Materials, Method, media, Men, Machine. ET (Educational technology) is the combined use of both computer hardware , software and education theory and practice for learning. Educational Technology connects three meaning. these are-

  • Hardware Approach on Educational Technology-I/ET-I
       ET-I is a application of the principle of Physical science and engineering technology (Chalk board, Overhead projector, Radio, slide Projector, Monitor, VCR, TV, Computer, calculator etc. these are the hardware mostly  used in classroom ) According to Dr. Ruhela- ''This part of educational technology refers to tools and hardware such as teaching machines, television, tape-recorder etc. which are used in instructions''.
  • Software Approach on Educational Technology-II/ET-II
       ET-II is a application of  psychological principle use in education. its also called instructional technology or behaviour technology. 

  • System Approach on Educational Technology-III/ ET-III
       ET-III is a combination of hardware and software approach called system approach. system means set of part. it is a modern view of ET.

      `So, Educational technology means making education effective by applying technology in education.

Definition of educational technology

According to G.0.M. Leith: - “Educational technology is the systematic application of scientific knowledge about teaching learning and conditions of learning to improve the efficiency of teaching and training. In the absence of scientifically established principles, educational technology implements techniques of empirical testing to improve learning situations.”

According to S.S. Kulkarni-" Educational technology may be defined as the application of lows as well as recent discoveries of science and technology to the process of education.'' 

According to Shib K. Mitra: - “Educational technology can be conceived as a science of techniques and methods by which educational goals can be realized.”

According to Robert M. Gagne: - “Educational technology can be understood as meaning the development of a set of systematic techniques and accompanying practical knowledge for designing, testing and operating schools as educational systems.”

According to Unwin: - “Educational technology is concerned with the application of modern skills and techniques to requirements of education and training. This includes facilitation of learning by manipulation of media and methods, and the control of environment so far as this reflects on learning.”

According to John P. Dececcoc: -"Educational Technology is the form of detailed application of psychology of learning to practical teaching problems”

   After considering the above definitions, we learned the following about educational technology:

 (A) The benefits of the systematic application of science and technology in education.

(B) It provides sufficient guidance and capacity to address various educational issues.

(C) It brings good relations between teachers and students.

(D) It monitors the teaching and learning process.

These are:

 • Child psychology and its use

• Relevant presentation of course content and course content

• Construction, maintenance and use of educational aids

• Creating a learning environment

• Class discipline and management

• Evaluation and testing

Nature of Educational Technology
  1. Educational technology is scientific in nature.
  2. Educational technology is applied low of principle in practical study situation.
  3. Educational technology focuses on practical thinking.
  4.  Educational technology is a constantly evolving subject.
  5. Its main goal is to develop the teaching leaning process.
  6. It also helps with other subjects, such as psychology and engineering.
  7. It prioritizes chained access.
  8. The technology involves teachers, students and the process of combining.
  9. As a result of the development of educational technology, new teaching methods and new teaching tools are being developed.
  10. It is able to bring about the necessary changes in the learning environment, so that educational goals can be considered.
  11. it give emphasizes to development of the method, technique, design and effective organization of material & leaning environment. it includes input, output and process aspect of education.
  12. it develops various measuring instrument to evaluate the output.
  13. it helps the teacher for effective teaching but it doesn't replace the teacher.
  14. it helps curriculum development and framing educational objective in behavioural term. 
Characteristics of Educational Technology
  1. Educational technology gives emphasize unframing the learningobjective and to evaluate the leraning outcomes.
  2. It provides feedback to the students.(Imidiate knowledge of result)
  3. Educational technology defines the aims of ecucation and method of education.
  4. It contructs need base curriculum.
  5. It provides individualised instruction.
  6. It strenthen the nature of students teacher.
  7. It solves the problems of shortage of teacher and, it provides equali oppertunity to each and every students.
  8. Educational technolgy indentifies the major drawbacks in the educational equipment and suggest various ways to takal them.
  9. Educational technolgy manage the entire educational system covering: Planning implimantation and evaluation process.
  10. Educational technolgy determind the human and material resources and strategies for achiving the aims of education.
  11. It also develops material resources for the improvement of teaching and learning process.
  12. Educational technolgy identifies and utiises the available teaching learning material and resources.
Objective of educational technology
           In the present objective of educational technology is two type 
(I) Macro-level -In view of brought education.
  • To determind the aims of education. brought strategies and structure of educstion.  
  • To develop a switable curriculum with interaction of science, arts and human value.
  • To develop indentify men, material resources and strategies for achiving the stipulated aims of education.
  • To develop certain modelsleading to improvement of the process of teaching and learning.
  • To develop appropreate aids and equivement to nned the educational puerpose.
  • To helps in extending educational oppertunities masses of specially the nagaleted situation of comminity.
  • To manage the whole educational system: covering , planing , implimentation and evaluation process.
(II) Micro-level - in the view of specific classroom teaching.
  • To identify the analisis of the characteristics.
  • To analises the contents of instruction and organised in the proper siquience.
  • To identify the available teaching learing material & resources.
  • To plan the teachers strategies for achiving sprecific classroom objective.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of classroom teaching in terms of performance.
  • To provides appropreate feedback to the students as well as teachers to bring modification in teachiong learning process.
  • To plan teaching strategies.
Another way of aims and objective of educational technolgy
Aims and objectives of educational technology
  1. Educational Demand and Demand for Education:
        Human hopes are high. The demand for human beings is growing exponentially. To meet those needs, he takes a number of steps; But those tools need to be socially and humane at all times. Only this education can satisfy the human needs. The main purpose of education is to create a demand for education in the human mind. Therefore, educational technology is constantly striving for the proper development of these two things. The main purpose of this educational technology is to create a demand for education tools and education.
2. Course Selection:
  The core of a particular education system is the curriculum. Curriculum plays a key role in keeping the real purpose of education in mind and how technology can be managed in the right way.
 3. Identification and use of resources:
There are two main types of resources. One. One was natural resources and the other was human resources. This resource works according to environmental conditions. The main purpose of educational technology is to make the most of the resources available at the site for the construction of an educational institution, as well as the selection and investment of appropriate human resources, including appropriate teachers, education administrators and others.
 4 . The structure and use of the model:
  Another goal is to build the necessary model and accelerate the learning process to accelerate the learning process.
5. Construction of teaching aids:
      Teaching tools are essential to make teaching simple, easy, and understandable. Education equipment usually includes wheels, disks, blackboards, teaching aids, educational museums, laboratory equipment, and so on. Properly invested in all of these tools is the goal of educational technology.
6. Resolving environmental issues in education:
   Educational technology plays an important role in solving and addressing the various problems that arise on the way to the goal of education as well as in finding ways to simplify them.
7. Dissemination and promotion of education:
  There are many people in society who have not yet shed light on education. So it would not be an exaggeration to say that making Russia an educational opportunity for the oppressed, oppressed, neglected and uneducated people of society and arousing interest in education is one of the main purposes of this educational technology.

Scope of educational technology
Educational technology is a wide concept. 
  • fulfilment of predetermined object of education.
  • detail analysis of teaching learning process.
  • selection and application of audio video aids.
  • appropriate used of technology and mass media
  • teacher training 
  • evaluation process.
  • development of curriculum.

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