Saturday 29 May 2021

What is state?


What is state?

      The state is the centre of political science. It is also the largest, most powerful and comprehensive political institution that governs all other institutions, associations, individuals, groups and their activities within society. It commands everyone, but does not accept anyone's instructions. This is the union of the unions, that is, the best unions. In the eyes of the Greeks, the state was a natural and necessary institution. The state is created from within human nature. Although there are differing views on the creation of the state, this fundamental truth is directly or indirectly accepted by all.

Use of state word

    The word state has been used in different meanings at different times. The Greeks and Romans called the state 'Polis' and 'Civitas', respectively. They were actually ‘City - State’ as their nation was confined within the city. The term 'status' was used for the state of 'Teutons', which means 'existence'.

    The Greeks and Romans used the words state, society, government, etc. at the same time. Religion was also a state. This system was in force until the fifteenth century. In the first quarter of the sixteenth century, the Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)] first used the word "state" in a clear, subtle, and modern sense. He not only separated the state from religion, but also subordinated religion and religious authorities to the state. He defined the state as "sovereign", "secular", "national", and "territorial". The word state is still commonly used in the sense of country, race, society, government, political system, or political system, civil society, and civil society. Even the Constituent Units of the United States are sometimes referred to as states. In a modern sense, the state is also called the nation-state.

Definitions of state by different Author

     The state has been defined by political scientists from different countries at different times, some of which are described below.

According to Aristotle: - “The state is union of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self-sufficient life by which we mean a happy and honourable life.’’

According to Laski: - “The state is territorial society divided into government and subjects claiming within its allotted physical area, a supremacy over all other institutions.”

According to Burgess: - “State is a particular portion of mankind viewed as an organised unit.”

According to Bluntschli: - “The state is politically organised people of a definite territory.”

According to Woodrow Wilson: - “The state is a people organised for law within a definite territory.”


Remember this Points-

v  The state is the centre of political science

v  The state is one of the most powerful, comprehensive political institutions that unites and controls everyone else in society.

v  The state is created from the very nature of man.

v  In the eyes of the Greeks, the state is a natural and necessary institution.

v  The Greeks and Romans referred to the state as Polis and Civitas, respectively.

v  In the sixteenth century, the Italian philosopher Nicolo Machiavelli first used the word "state" in a clear and modern sense.

v  The state is a political institution or association that has four essential elements. They are- ~ -population, territory, government and sovereignty.



Elements of state-

   The state has four essential elements. They are— (1) population, (2) size or territory, (3) government, and (4) sovereignty.

 The first two are physical or material, while the last two are political.

     Some scholars of political science and international law consider international recognition to be one of the elements of the state. The recognition of the existence, independence, and sovereignty of one state is called international recognition. This recognition is automatically gained through formal and formal diplomatic or trade relations between the states, by the United Nations or by other international organizations and conventions. But because it is a political issue, some states may not agree to give this recognition to any group that fulfils the basic needs of the state, even for personal enmity or other voluntary reasons. Therefore, international recognition is a weak element and we must agree on it. Because of this, it is not considered an essential element of the state. This is because even without international recognition, a state's "state" status cannot be decreased. Communist China, founded in 1949, was an independent state, but for political reasons the United States did not recognize it until 1971, and it vetoed its accession to the United Nations. The following is a list of our most popular pages.

1.       Population

No nation can be formed without a population. A desert without a human being, a sea, a desert, or a forest inhabited only by animals cannot be called a nation. So there are differing opinions and disagreements about what the size of the population or population should be. "The population of a single ideal country should be 5,060," Plato said, referring to the small-town state system. Aristotle, without setting any mathematical boundaries for the population, opined that the population of a nation should be as large as it can be self-sufficient and as small as it can be well-governed. In the eighteenth century, Russia determined that the nation's population should be 10,000.

2.       Territory/Area

    Each state must have a specific area or territory. But until the nineteenth century, some experts in political science were reluctant to accept it as an essential element. Among them were Seeley, Holland, Flaquit, Jelinek and others. In fact, modern writers emphasize that it is impossible to imagine a state without a specific volume or land area. It is not possible to form a state of migrants, nomads, or migrants, unless they live together in a specific territory together. Because of this, the Jews acquired all the other elements of state formation but lived in different countries as immigrants because they did not have their own territory or size. They were not called a separate state. However, they occupied a certain territory in the 16th century and formed a nation called Israel.


     The size of a state does not simply mean the land. It consists of land, land, rivers, lakes, etc., its upper air and sky boundaries, mineral resources to the interior, and three nautical miles (nautical miles) of land adjacent to the mainland. The state has sovereignty. There is no limit to the size or territory of the population, as are the Russian republics, Australia, the United States, China, and Canada. There are those whose territories are limited to a few square miles. Despite this, they are all the same in terms of international law, because they are governed by the principle of sovereign equality. The problem with the defines is that it is good for the state to have contiguous or contiguous parts of the continent.


3.       Government

     The state is an abstract concept and the government is its concrete and real manifesto. The government is the political organization of the state. Without which state formation is incomplete. It is the representation or medium of the state by which the state expresses its will. It is the state's machinery that governs public policy and regulates public affairs. It is also a means of awakening and expressing the will of the people and turning it into action. The sovereignty of the state is exercised by the government.

     In its power and authority, the government maintains internal peace and order within the state and protects it from outside attacks. Anarchy will be created in the state without the government. The government has three organs. These are - the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The government performs its functions through these organs. There are different forms of government, such as democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, and so on. These also have various aspects, such as parliamentary democracy, state democracy, unity government, federal government, individual monarchy, constitutional or limited monarchy, party dictatorship, individual or military dictatorship, and so on. No particular form or type of government has been adopted as a component of the state. There must be only one government, no matter what.

4.        Sovereignty -

     Sovereignty is the state's greatest and most important element. This is the vitality of the state. As a result, the state is separated from all other unions.

The Latin word "sovereignty" is derived from the word "superanus", which means "supreme". So, sovereignty is the supreme power of the state which has no more power over it. "It simply came to our notice then.

     There are two aspects of sovereignty, namely internal sovereignty and external sovereignty. Internally, the state can exercise its supreme power over all individuals, citizens, groups, institutions and associations within its territory. It has a mandate that the law and the state have the power to punish all violators of the law. The state instructs everyone, but does not accept instructions from anyone. Internal sovereignty is absolute and all comprehensive. External sovereignty means that the state is free from all other nations, international organizations and books. They cannot impose their decisions, decisions or will on the state. Of course, in the context of a changing world society, global peace, security and humanism, the fact that not every state voluntarily shrinks or systematizes its supreme power in some way cannot be called the absence of sovereignty.



Are these States?

     Judging by the criteria set for the state, will the constituent units of any federal state be called a state? For example, how far is it reasonable for the federal state of the United States and the states of India to be called states?  These provinces have populations, territories, or governments, but they do not have sovereignty, which is mainly limited to the central level. Therefore, Indian states like Odisha, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Assam cannot be called nations. The status of the 'State' granted to them is used in the sense of state or province and courtesy, not in the sense of real sovereignty. This rule also applies to the United States. Similarly, the United Nations (U N.O.) will not be called a state. Because it also has no sovereignty. It is a confederation of sovereign states. Its members are all sovereign states and by joining them they maintain their sovereignty without losing their sovereignty. In that sense, it is possible the Commonwealth of Nations, the Non-Aligned Organization, and the Euro are not state.


Remember -

v  The state has four basic and essential elements, namely (1) population or population, (3) size or land area, (3) government, and (4) sovereignty. The first two are physical, while the last two are political.


v  Although some consider the international recognition to be one of the elements of the state, it is a weak, non-essential element.

v  The communist Chinese state, founded in 1949, was recognized in 1971 by the United States and the United Nations.

v  According to Plato and Rousseau, the population or population of the country should be 5,070 and 10,000, respectively.

v  In 1948, the Jews formed an independent state of Israel, occupying certain territories.

v  There is no limit to the number of inhabitants and territories to form a state.

v  In terms of population, China and India, and in terms of size, Russia and Australia are the two largest states.

v  Monaco and San Marino are both small states in terms of population and size.

v   All states are equal in terms of international law.

Monday 10 May 2021

Political science

1. Meaning and definitions of political science

2.what is state??????

Meaning and definitions of political science ?

What is political science ?

   Ancient Greece is considered to be a popular contribution to the world of Olympic sports, political science and democracy. Both the word "politics" and "political science" are derived from the Greek word "polis". The word polis means "Nagara Rastra" or "City state".

     While there were many cities in ancient Greece, they also had their own systems of government. Therefore, every city was recognized as a nation-state and a city-state. Cities and nations were small in size and population. City states such as Athens and Sparta were very popular. Citizens of the city were called citizens.

    Citizens were called "Politics" because of their direct involvement in determining the "Principles of State".

       'Rajaniti' is called politics in English. The term "politics" was first used extensively by the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC). His book ‘Politics’ has gained a lot of fame for its comprehensive, Systematic and analytical discussions. Its content is important not only in theory but also in reality. It is like a pillar of light for political science and political scientists. Written in the fourth century BC, more than 2,300 years later, it is still considered to be one of the earliest introductory books on political science. For this reason, Aristotle is called the father of political science. According to Aristotle, "Man is a social animal." He is born into society, develops into society, and dies in society. Without society, human origin, status and progress are impossible. He can never be human, he can be God or an animal, he can never live without society. Social sciences are called social sciences, which are based on the behaviour and activities of human beings. So political science is a social science. But instead of a common social science, it is known as the best social science.

 Definitions of political science

   Political science is a progressive social science. It cannot be limited to a fixed point, as the political behaviour and activities of the social animal "man" are primarily political studies. From the economic age of the ancient Greek city-state and the ancient Indian state of Kautilya to the modern computer age, human civilization has undergone many changes, as well as the scope and definition of political science. This is because the nature, political behaviour and political activities of the nation are not stable. For this reason, it distinguishes between ancient and modern definitions. The study of political science, both ancient and traditional, was theoretical, formal, and value-based. It could not be used directly in human services because it was largely confined to the four walls of the academy. In the twentieth century, its definition began to change due to its scientific, realistic, practical perspectives, and interpersonal and group relationships. As political scientists emphasize the various aspects and implications of this issue, there is some inconsistency in their definitions, even though everyone acknowledges the nation as its central point or main assembly. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly.

Below are some definitions of political science.

According to pro. R.N. Gilchrist- “political science is a study of the state and government.”

According to pro. J.W. Garner- “political science beings and ends with the state.”

According to French political scientist Paul Janet – “political science is that part of social science which treats of the foundation of state and the principles of government.’’

According to Sir John Seeley – “Political science investigates the phenomena of government as political economy deals with wealth, biology with life, algebra with numbers and geometry with space and magnitude”

According to Lasswell and Kalpana-“political science is the study of the shaping and sharing of power.”

According to Pro. J.H. Laski-“The study of politics concerns itself with the life of man in relations to organised state.”

According to George Catlin-“politics the means study of the activities of political life and activities of the various organs of Government.”

According to Modern definition -‘’In the beginning of the 20th century there developed a new way of looking at political science. This new approach is known as behavioural approach. The main thrust of the new view is the treatment of politics as an activity and a process.’’

Scope of political science

  The boundaries or areas of study of political science, the topics that illuminate and influence them, are called its scope. Like other things, its scope is related to its meaning and definition. Political science is a broad and broad spectrum. There is no consensus on its definition or nature. Because of this, differences of opinion also arise about its scope. Again, this is a social science that deals with the political institutions and political activities of social animals and humans.

   Some things, such as political social science, prove it. Following such differences and differences, the following elements or studies may be included in the field of political science such as -state and government, relationship between individual and the state, political theory, political philosophy, political institutions, political dynamics, public administration, internal law, relations and organizations etc.

Monday 3 May 2021

What is instructional design ?

 Instructional design 

    Instructional design is a types of educational technology. this is a creation of learning experience. teaching mainly depends on instructional design. it is a application of systematic methodology to design and develop content, experience and other solutions to support the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. 

   instructional design consist of two words instruction and design, instruction means- A direction or order. design means- A plan . So, instructional design means in teaching learning process teachers prepare a plan for teaching which is more effective and useful. Instructional designers create and distribute educational and training materials in different ways to different categories of learners. They work with traditional paper materials, such as handouts and manuals, and eLearning technology and multimedia. Their work can be seen in primary and secondary schools for university and adult training facilities.

Sunday 2 May 2021

Educational technology

 Educational technology

Educational technology: Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Characteristics, Objectives, Scope

Need and important of educational technology for the teacher and the student

Types of educational technology




Fundamental of education

Types of education

Functions of education

What is Behavioural Technology


3.Behavioural technology


       behavioural technology is a types of educational technology. it emphasizes the psychological principles used in teaching through technology . As a result, the necessary changes in students are effective. On the other hand,

     1. How to make the necessary changes to the learner.

     2. There are also ways to improve the use of teachers in the classroom.

    Behavioural technology consists of two words. One was behaviour and the other was technology. behavior means the speed of a living person. This can also be called human behaviour. So behavioural technology is a science that studies the behaviour of teachers by using scientific methods in the field of education and changing the behaviour of teachers where necessary.

     This behavioural technology has contributed greatly to Amidon, Plander, Skinner, Weber and Anderson.

concepts of behavioural technology

  1. Behaviour can be monitored.
  2. Behaviour can be measured.
  3. it is quantitative.
  4. Behaviour has a social, philosophical and psychological basis.
  5. The behaviour can be changed.
  6. Both rewards and punishments are important for behavioural change.

 Characteristics of Behavioural Technology

  1. It studies classroom behaviour both verbally and non-verbally
  2. Behaviour change is one of the main goals of behavioural technology in the classroom.
  3. This is a psychological concept.
  4. It- it helps to develop teaching learning principles.
  5.  It evaluates teaching in a scientific way.
  6. Its psychological principles apply to teaching and learning.
  7. It helps to understand both cognitive and cognitive goals.
  8.  It is based on the rules and regulations of Operating Conditioning and Rehabilitation.
  9.  It emphasizes personal differences.

  Content of Behavioural Technology.

  1. Meaning and types of teaching and teacher behaviour.
  2. Behaviour policy rules and pre - concept.
  3. Study of classroom communication methods.
  4. Classroom Behaviour, Study, Analysis, Evaluation and Measurement.
  5. Fine teaching and formal teaching.
  6. Simulated Teaching
  7. T - group Training
  8. Team Teaching
  9. Teacher - Behaviour.

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